Asian Boy ROCKS lol Seriously this guy he re-did the song so well it deserves praise man. Check it out yo!!!::
.:Fireport blogged on 11:08 PM:.
.:Monday, December 29, 2008:.
::Reading the Manga "New Grappler Baki" has me wondering, What in the world does it mean to be strong? Is it physical strength? Is it mental strength or mental resistance? What does strength represent? We could be strong in something yet weak in something else.
Then how do things such as skills come in? Martial arts to help the physically weak fight the strong, Books help the mentally weak-minded win the mentally strong in knowledge with hard work. So what is true strength? Is it the spirit in a person or being hardworking? No matter how hardworking a person can be, if another's talent is so much better than the hardwork failure is inevitable.
So yeah it all comes back to what in the world is true strength? I want to know and for that I shall start a journey to find out what is strength.
I might or might not create a blog for this. I might not even post on the progress of this but yes I will walk this path. Alone or with friends it doesn't matter for this quest because the answer at the end might be the same. Yet also it might be different....::
.:Fireport blogged on 11:00 AM:.
::Pardon my recent lack of post. I'm just plain lazy and stuff you know? So yeah rough view of events in the last few days. Christmas Day went to Watch Ip Man with the gang at the Grand Cathay where the seats were like comfy and stuff. Boxing day went out with jols at night after work to catch Bedtime Stories and almost missed the last bus. What an exciting night that was lol. The anxiety of waiting for the bus but yeah I'm still glad we caught it. Don't wanna spend the whole night out at some place which I'm not really familiar with right?
Saturday then went out with the gang and just met them for a bit of pool and Dota before going back home and Sunday stayed home all day and watched Heroes. So yeah my whole week was uneventful. Reason? Cause of my lack of funding, if anyone is kind enough please donate to me for charity called the "Edward is broke and needs cash" fund.
All proceeds will go to Edward and Edward only. Thank you very muchXD
Yeah I'm so gonna get flamed for this by people like "***** Your Mother", but heck its just part of being a blogger and a teen right?
.:Fireport blogged on 10:38 AM:.
.:Wednesday, December 24, 2008:.
::Who ever was dumb enough to say "We do as the Romans do in Rome" is going to have to face me and take it to my face damn it. I am sick and tired of people telling me my attitude is too fucking different from everyone. Yes I am so stick it in your fucking pie hole and make it stay there. So what if I'm different? Doesn't that just help me filter out who my friends are and who my friends aren't? Which part of "forcing me to do things only makes me wanna not do it more" do you people not understand? Don't you think I haven't tried to conform? I'm the type of person that hates to conform to people or culture. Yes I love to embrace culture and try different things out. But I don't have to be part of your social "I'm a singaporean and I'm freaking paranoid of everyone" clique you know that? Yes I am learning how to tone down my craving for power and victory but who doesn't have such things? Yeah you can say I have an excess of it, yeah SO WHAT!!!??? HAVE YOU LIVED IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE YOU'RE IGNORED AND ALWAYS SAID TO BE USELESS CAUSE YOU'RE CHINESE? I guess not.... CAUSE YOU'VE ONLY BEEN LIVING IN A PLACE WHERE CHINESE PEOPLE ARE DOMINANT!!!! God Doesn't it just piss you off that I've lived in a place so different where if you're not proud you most likely get bullied your ass off? Or maybe if you don't learn how to stick it up and learn how to have guts you need to back it up with brain or brawn? Maybe you do know that since its the usual everywhere. Yeah I'm kinda ranting. CAUSE I AM ANNOYED BY THE FACT I SAID NO AND YOU PEOPLE MUST MAKE ME SAY YES. I HAVE A WILL AND A BRAIN AND A SOUL AND YEAH STICK YOUR BLOODY "YES YOU MUST SAY YES" THOUGHTS DOWN YOUR THROAT AND STICK IT THERE. Yeah I mean it. Its supposed to be "Say yes to the things you know you want, and no to the things you don't want" but nooooo you have to make me say yes to the impossible. By God, I don't care if you're freaking LKY or GWB, if I know its impossible for me there's a reason why I'm gonna say no right? Do you think I like being in debt? Hmmm how bout no!!!! Duh yeah I hate it I absolutely hate it. I'm half-exploding to the noise I have at home too. Yes I don't care bout paraphrasing cause this is nothing but a rant.
Oh that means this is what crossed my mind in my fit of anger and such took me bout 5 minutes to type the whole thing out.
And to Alvin,Yong Hua and Vinodh. If tomorrow I'm late and stuff I'll treat you but I'll only do it in January when I've paid Alvin all the cash I owe him and then if I got enough drinks are on me. Or lunch depending on how full my wallet is and such. Oh and if any of the above links to you in some unknown indirect way please don't mind it. You're not the only ones saying I'm too different and stuff, I'll accept it from you guys, EJ, Jols, and any one of my childhood friends but I can't accept it from others. Yeah I'm trying to get out of the "I want to rule the world" attitude and into the "Fuck this society I'm going Bohemian" attitude. Yeah I want to be like Jim Carrey in Yesman but without the mindless part of saying yes. Cause its the way I am inside, spontaneous and crazy. I couldn't care less about what others might say about me, heck if I had the cash I'd be on a plane every weekend to go to places I've never even heard of. Ever wondered why I wanted to explore the World? Cause its my dream to see and experience things my own way instead of through a book. Yes I know its going to be a tough road, I know its going to be a long road. But with you three on my side I know its a road I can walk through and I'm sure we can rough it out together. Bear with my high and mighty "holier than thou" attitude a while longer. I think I met my own personal "Allison", She's Jols, yeah her incase other people don't know. She's wild enough to make me feel free, she's like her in almost every aspect but yeah she's more to art than music but yeah she makes me feel free and happy. Yeah she is a part of my life now I don't wanna let go off ever. But that doesn't mean I won't make time for you guys. So stop giving me that "Got girlfriend so no time for friends" crap anymore ok? People change in time, maybe I've used quite a lot and changed little but at least I am. Hope you guys can bear with me a while longer. And yeah I will tone down the crazy a bit cause well crazy is me but I guess people feel afraid of it. I'm tired, ciao....::
.:Fireport blogged on 10:39 PM:.
.:Sunday, December 21, 2008:.
::Hey guys I kinda owe all of you a long post and such and I think today I'll give it to you people. Its been one heck of a hectic week. My life has never felt so many different emotions at once. One moment I'm all bored then I'm happy then I'm pissed then I'm all sad and such. I've never felt so twisted in my life. I have like an avatar for every emotion and such and they're all attacking me at once I feel like I'm gonna go nuclear like Peter(Heroes reference).
I know, I know, you guys will be like "Hey you're the one that wanted the emotional thrill ride, now life's giving it to you and you're regretting." Heck yes I am regretting taking this one way ticket to every emotional boundary I have but wait a moment there don't you think there's a part of me that doesn't regret? Yeah there is, the part of me that cherishes every memory,every emotion that I ever had. Yeah I kinda enjoy this bittersweet time of my life. I find the girl I always wanted, I'm kinda satisfied with my job, I find that my friends want to change me cause I'm way too different from everyone else, my hands are shaking like I have some disease.
Yeah I got questions to ask about them too.The questions are like " Hey God, what are you going to take away from my life after giving me the girl of my dreams? Hey God, Why must all my friends change me just so I can be so normal to them, why can't society just be kind and maybe change? Hey God, Whats the difference between traditional and adaptable, why must one rule over the other one? Hey God, why must I argue with my friends all the time over my different points of view, why can't I accept theirs and they accept mine? Hey God, why the fuck do I suck at every sport only to trade it off by being good at picking up languages? Hey God, Why is there so many doubts in my life and why does every question I have lead to another question? Hey God, why is humanity so blind that they can't see that every religion is pretty much real and that its just a different road to the end of our earthly lives? Hey God, why must we all fight for our believes when we could co-exist as brothers? Hey God, why is there nothing I can do right in my life at all? Hey God, why am I so unsatisfied with myself, why do I keep craving for more knowledge? Hey God, why can't the people around me figure out why I'm so sensitive to every remark just cause I was always belittled when I was younger? Hey God, why can't you make the world less hypocritical and more frontal? Hey God, why can't you put me in a position where I can help people and save the world?"
I have many many more questions but I think that will just bore you.But I only know God will answer back in a question "Why so many questions child, shouldn't you stop asking questions and just venture your own path like you have decided? Shouldn't you find your own answers like I have taught the world?"
And I'll agree with him. I will walk my own path, my friends can abandon me, she can abandon me, my family can abandon me but nothing will stop me from walking my own path for it is something I have to do. Everyone can turn on me but I have to walk my own path for it is the only path I have to walk. Every teacher can only be a guide and not a path.
I don't care what you think anymore [b]WORLD[/b], you don't matter to me. I'll live life my own way. I don't have to conform to your norms to be accepted by you. [b]YOU[/b] are nothing more than just a small part of the universe.[b]MY[/b] friends, if you abandon me, it will be because you weren't a true friend who could accept my truths as I have now chosen to accept yours, if you stay it is because you know that even if my views differ from yours I will stand by your side when you are in need. That is my vow.....
I feel so much better after ranting. I should rant more often.::
.:Fireport blogged on 9:44 PM:.
.:Thursday, December 18, 2008:.
::ThaksinShinawatra said :"9 seconds of pleasure comes 9 months of pain followed by 9yrs of suffering"
I saw this on a blog and guess what. You guessed it. I loled::
::Spent the whole day with her yesterday. I mean like wow it was so fun. After the movie we went to explore orchard road in ways I've never seen it before. I hope to do it again. Haha yeah I got super short post. Shoot me XD::
.:Fireport blogged on 8:58 AM:.
.:Tuesday, December 16, 2008:.
::Today was great.... Blog about it tml XD::
.:Fireport blogged on 10:45 PM:.
.:Monday, December 15, 2008:.
::I know I've been trying to lay off the mushy stuff that makes blogs boring and such but I just can't not say something like that. Its like there's so many words I wanna say when ever I talk to her but they get stuck in my throat like some type of fish bone which stays and doesn't wanna go away. I could not ask for anyone better than her. She already is like such a great person who is willing to not conform to society and be herself. Yet at the same time being polite to people who cannot truly withstand her ideals. She is patient and kind. God I truely think I'm not good enough for her yet she still said yes. I'm so glad she's willing to let us have a shot at this. I don't wanna let go. I don't think we'll ever get bored though. We both love excitement way too much to sit there and wait for the other to do something with our lives. XD.
Yeah I'm just so in love with her that no human language on earth can explain well enough.::
.:Fireport blogged on 10:30 AM:.
::I'm super sorry for my short post about almost nothing and yet something in the last few days. I haven't been getting much sleep at all at night. I keep having all these different dreams and nightmares which freak me out so much that I can't get to bed after 4am. And even if I do I pretty much just twist and turn till its 6 or 7 when I need to get up and do something. Of course being up all night isn't what I want but lets hope I can get to sleep tonight because tomorrow is going to be a super fun day and such.
Yeah I'ma going to go to work now so ciao::
.:Fireport blogged on 6:46 AM:.
.:Sunday, December 14, 2008:.
::Heh Spent the day at Dan's playing guitar hero after lunch. Started D2 again lol. Nothing to post today, or rather just don't feel like posting. Its just one of those days...::
.:Fireport blogged on 8:55 PM:.
.:Saturday, December 13, 2008:.
::Went out today to buy a guitar for my cousin at bras basah. GOD I'M GONNA KILL THE IDIOT WHO TOLD ME ALL THE GUITARS THERE ARE CHEAP. Graagh*Murder Mood*
Anyways I bought this white-wood fine polish acoustic guitar with a gig-bag for $75. It came tuned so I didn't need to tune it at all. I'm not going to break the guitar in much more than I did since its a christmas present not a hand me down. So yeah. I hope my cousin will totally enjoy this guitar since she loves music as much as I do.
On other news. I watched The Day The Earth Stood Still today with Al. The story is pretty much the same as the old one but was re-written for our modern times instead of the Cold-War Era of the past which the original was for. And let me say this. Just for the record, Keanu Reeves is the perfect actor to act as Klaatu.
Finally to end of the post. I met her as Plaza Sing today. Passed her something I thought she might like. And yeah I guess she did like it. Heh.... I think this time could really be the last time. =)::
.:Fireport blogged on 7:36 PM:.
.:Friday, December 12, 2008:.
::On Yonghua's tag request I shall do this quiz. If it was someone else I most likely won't even bother. XD
Regulations of this quiz is:- People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by them.- Tag 5 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse.- These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.- Continue this game by sending it to other people.Tagged by: Yong Hua XD( Never knew he was into this typa thing)
Q: If you had 3 wishes, what will that be?
Become a journalist, travel the world, and not change girlfriends anymore(yeah totally gargh)
Q: Did you ever think to yourself and wonder if you're really real?
Stupid questions begets stupid answer. There is no spoon. (Of course I'm real)
Q: Are you afraid of what lies ahead of you?
Uncertainty is something I fear, yet certainty is a luxury I cannot afford. So the answer is yes and no. But if I can see it I don't fear it anymore.
Q: Would you change yourself for the person you love? Depends on what the changes are.
Q: Do you believe in Love?
Yes I do
Q: How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Impatient as I am, I'd wait till I decide that that person isn't right for me. If I really loved them as your question implies most likely it will be quite a long while.
Q: Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
Q: Do you get butterflies in your stomach whenever you're around the guy/girl you like?
Yeah I do.
Q: Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
Heck I think about people all the time.
Q: Who are currently most important people to you?
Everyone around me that has even the smallest bit of influence in my life is important.
Q: Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't?
I guess there was this one time, I was too naive to see I was being fooled by her.
Q:Are you happy with your life?
Yes n no? (I'm going with YH's answer on this one, I agree with it)
Q: Would you give your all in a relationship?
Depends on what you mean. If she's my girlfriend I would, if she's just a friend with benefits, I guess you know what my answer would be.
Q: What type of friends do you like?
Friends who can accept me for who I am and for what I've done and not what I can become or what I cannot do. All of the Anti-Noobs,Jols,Mag,Shiyun and my "twin" EJ are pretty much good examples of what type of friends I have.(Alex I'm sorry you're not included in this list. heh I need to talk to you more) Q: Do you often wish there was something you could change?
We all have our merits and flaws, perfection is impossible. So yes I do.
Q: What will you look at first when you first set eye on a girl/guy?
Her manner and the way her eyes are. You can tell a persons heart just by looking in the persons eyes and asking yourself what is the emotion that person gives you. It can be fear,joy,serenity,excitement and even sometimes adrenaline and adventure.
Q: If your lover betrayed you, what will be your reaction?
For reference, listen to Wake Up Call by Maroon 5. And just for the record, I'd question her and try to justify her actions in my heart. I'm not exactly as heartless as I may seem when I shut down emotionally
"Didn't hear what you were saying, I live on raw emotion baby, Answer questions never maybe, I'm not kind if you betray me" That should be reference enough.
::Ok ok I'm more awake now and less bored and lazy cause I'm at my workplace and its before hours so no one should be caring if I post something on my blog right now. Anyways yesterday night was super fun lah! I mean like it was totally funny talking to her on the phone sending pictures of man-girls and girly-men XD. Yeah. Their pictures are like all over deviantART and flicker. I enjoyed it so much that I think we should do another man-girl hunt. muahhaha.
I wish I could install firefox into this hunka-junk. IE sucks damn it. IE and Firefox is like paper and cardboard respectively. I mean IE is too light and firefox is just enough to protect you somewhat. So yeah its about 830 now. I still need to set-up some stuff before work so yeah. Ciao... Something I haven't done in a while ==Ellumic Signing Off== CAUSE I CAN....::
.:Fireport blogged on 8:16 AM:.
.:Wednesday, December 10, 2008:.
::Ahhh I'm lazy to blog today XD. Nothing much happened today. Just ventured around an area in Bukit Timah which I haven't visited in years. I also found many nice places to take photos and some old time dramas. I can't wait for the week to end. Growl.......
Time passes slowly when you wait for something thats important to you..::
.:Fireport blogged on 9:03 PM:.
.:Monday, December 08, 2008:.
::Hey guys I know I've been like a little too busy these few days. But there's this person I'm on the phone with and she makes me smile so much. lol Yeah she makes me feel happy in the sense I've never felt like so happy for so long. Its almost amazing that I only knew her closely now. Haha. For those who know her don't say who she is. For those who don't go ahead and guess who she is.
I'm very sure I like her and that I want her very much. I'm putting 110% effort in this and I'm not giving up or giving myself excuses anymore. Its time to be sure of my things and not sound like a man with a small anus XD (Nodame Cantabile reference)::
.:Fireport blogged on 1:34 AM:.
.:Saturday, December 06, 2008:.
::Yo people sorry for not posting yesterday. I was talking to Jolene online last night and I found her totally cute and funny. She's a very nice girl to talk to and like totally good company to have. hahaha. After the webcam chat I called her and we sorta chatted for about an hour but her phone died all of a sudden but still nevermind. She is a very nice person to talk to and I enjoyed it very much!!! Here are some of the pics
Jolene and her eyes haha its kinda dark in her back ground but its nice Her and her beloved soft toys My cam doesn't like me much Really doesn't like me I had to search for god knows how long for my drivers Yeah hahah her usual expression on the cam NO ALEX I DID NOT MAKE HER CRY!!!!. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!! Ponder ponder ponder... awww!!!! look at her she looks so cute *mezmerised* (read above caption)
Yeah thats about it. Thanks for the chat my new friend!!! ::
.:Fireport blogged on 12:59 PM:.
.:Thursday, December 04, 2008:.
::Workplace Blog: Gragh
I have just finished photocopying over 1000+ pages. My my I think I left my face in the scanner.::
.:Fireport blogged on 5:46 PM:.
.:Wednesday, December 03, 2008:.
Yes its me. For my 301st I'm giving a lame photoshop special since my skills are crap and I was so bored today. Yep its me using the computer, On the phone watching using my computer, On the bed on the phone watching myself watch myself using the computer while on the phone.
Today was a long day at work, decided to do the photocopying at the main office instead of the much faster but super eerie place called the "data room". Took me 1 full day to do almost 1000+ pages of files to be printed and hole-punched. By the time I was done it was already around 3pm even when I started early around 9 am. I had some noodles for lunch today which was a change from the usual plate ol' rice. So yeah today is something special cause I'm super bored.
And a shoutout to two ladies on my blog for without I would have gone insane. To Huishan for entertaining me when I was in the data room yesterday and on monday. Cause the room is so empty that it is super scary and there is a lot of yin energy. Yeah it sucks. And then to Shi Yun for waking me up today and being my moral support and also my Issa for my life.(For reference read Least I Could Do at this site) Without them I think I would have died a long time ago or went insane in the "data room"
I need to go sleep now ciao
.:Fireport blogged on 10:40 PM:.
.:Tuesday, December 02, 2008:.
::Happy 300th post people and here's to 300 more XDXDXDXD
and yeah I got something to say. I'm not in love with her or anything like that. I'm just enamored with her eyes. They tell me a story that I want to hear. They show me something I'm looking for. I really want to know this person better as a friend or something like that.
and to people who don't like me to post stuff like this *puts on a penguin suit* SAW-WEE!!!!!!!!::
::lol Ok I'm now in the office doing this post because office hours hasn't started yet and there's no point to start work now since like ehhhh. I don't get paid more for coming in early but only for staying late.
I seriously can't do data room. Its not the photocopying but the loneliness that gets to me and then I'll seriously start hallucinating and that is kinda freaky. Now listening to How To Save A Life by The Fray. Its something I wish I could do. Sometimes I wish I could save a friendship but then it just slips away.
I figured what I need is a confidant who can be there for me when I need the person but then again isn't that called a girlfriend? Yes and no. Of course my confidant will be female but she doesn't have to be my girlfriend.
I gtg ciao::
.:Fireport blogged on 8:27 AM:.
.:Monday, December 01, 2008:.
::I'm envious of people like jolene and yonghua and other bloggers who have like posted things that may not have agreed with everyone. I mean they dare to post such things you know. I have and it backfired on my cause I don't have enough fight spirit in me to challange other opinions and also the fact my own friends don't really support my views anyways.
Yeah I'm a bit pissed off at that but heck what can I do right? If I went to find a group of friends who were all like me we'd write enough story books to fill a library before getting even the smallest bit of work done. XD Yeah I know all about it.
Hey for those who watch college humour, your favourite "gullies for life" actually had their own site for like the past 1 year and I didn't even know about it till last saturday. Its here Jake and which is totally cool. I mean Amir is the crazy one while Jake is the average straight guy and their stupid antics are funny like hell.
Yeah I need a penguin suit too for my workplace. And then I'm going to work and I have to work for ...::
.:Fireport blogged on 7:15 AM:.
.:The Hidden Garden:.
I am me, You am me, we are all me me me!!!!
name:Edward Cheang
likes:Eh nothing really
wishlist: For radio production to be ok
quote:"Why wait for someone who might appear when you can go for the one right in front of you"