Woo! I am now a temp at JTC Summit. I get paid good cash for a good job and a good place to work. It has nice people and a lot of coffee for me to drink without me having to face idiots who want to buy coffee.
Anyways its been a good week at work and I kinda enjoy the working environment there and somehow love my job even though it gives me headaches and maybe a slight case of chronic nosebleed(Joking XD). Yeah its a fun thing to do.
On another note I've been watching a lot of Youtube recently so I am a bit on the craze of songs such as Church , I Kissed A Girl and others like Geek In The Pink and many many more. lol The Red Camp craze in me has died down even though I miss all of the centurions from the camp. Don't worry no matter what happens the memories will always be in our hearts. Oh and I finished the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on thursday. Let me tell you this, its a game for all the Star Wars geeks and any person who loves being a Jedi.
And closing this post let me tell you this. KATY PERRY IS HOT BUT CAN'T SING LIVE!!!!!
.:Fireport blogged on 3:18 PM:.
At work right now and I'm drinking coffee almost like its water.
.:Fireport blogged on 10:12 AM:.
I woke up like at 6 today and went to Jolene's blog and took out some quizzes to do and here they are XD
You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.
Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.
At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.
See? I'm as jolly as everyone thinks but this is still a bit wrong cause I ain't no emo.
You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.
=) yeah I agree with this to a great extent. XD. Well like cause I reject gender roles almost totally, the only thing that I think really only requires guys or girls are some stuff which only like a guy will do or a girl would do. Like for example a face that a guy can't show a girl or a girl who is super bipolar. To me guys shouldn't always be fickle even if its their personality. That's about it when it comes to gender roles.
You Are A Realistic Romantic

It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!
Lol I think I'm the one giving the dreamy pick up lines XD
.:Fireport blogged on 6:27 AM:.
*insert hand movement*
*Insert cheering and wooing and crazy shouting here*
Yeah thats what I did for the last 3 days at the super duper uber cool and fun RED CAMP. I'm telling you it is like the ultimate best camp ever lah. I already missing my centurions lah. Sadded neh? hahahah.
I seriously miss my sub-tribe group mates. Dave a.k.a. Ragu, Venka, Afiq, Samantha, Shahqil, Joshua, Hazim, Hana, Zakk, The Malay Girl With Hazim and friends(sorry forgot your name), Harjeet, Jasmine and E-Hong lah. I seriously miss the times we had. 3 days seemed so long yet so short, it has been a good run with you people. Then my SL's Bernice, Amar, Fauzi, Amira(mimi aka Spongebob), Jeanette, Adin(is that the way to say your name), Gel, Wei Xun, Teacher Laura, Ruth, Evelyn and all the rest of the Sl's I haven't mentioned cause I either didn't catch your name or forgot your name but you have a place in my memories. To the rest of the Centurions, fear not people I will always remember you!!!!!!
I'm glad of what has happened in the last few days. And if any red campers see this post add me on MSN fireport@gmail.com. I'll send you all the pics I took cause facebooks being a meany to me.
.:Fireport blogged on 9:43 PM:.
Muhahahahah I am finally free of my O levels. *Insert witty remark here*
Yes I am so happy to the point I have to use mindless insert stuff to fill up post, just proves how much brain I've lost in the last few days without the endless mugging or stressing out whether I'm going to write down a proper answer or not.
Just pure joy and happiness. And guess what I celebrated it by watching 2 movies in 2 days. The ultimate figure of how a spy should be like , James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace, and the witty stupid animal style of action which is Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa. Both which are good in their own way somehow I like one over the other. Not telling which but those of you who know me well enough should know I'd love to drive either an Alfa Romeo or an Aston Martin if I become either a millionaire or a luxury car driver. Whichever comes first.
And just to continue the joy I dyed my hair with something called "Ash Wolf". The change isn't obvious but what the heck right? hahah
Yeah I think I'm really gonna go crazy with all this freedom. Now just to find an endless amount of money to spend. Or do I have to get a job o.O??????
.:Fireport blogged on 12:36 AM:.
Lol Its finally here....
Yes people after this I am free from the O levels and I have to move on with my life. I'm wearing my tacky uniform for the last time(I don't think I'm going for graduation). I am also going to look for a job next week!!!!
Yes I am happy happy happy!!!! I've slogged for the last 5 years just for this moment. Ok maybe not but I've waited long enough to finally be free from my school!!!! MUAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!
I am crazy I guess....
Wish me luck on my last paper muahhahahahahahha!!!!!
.:Fireport blogged on 7:03 AM:.
Hey guys a news update here.
I've recently started using my deviant again for poetry and story writing. Some design work will be up there too.
MASH items will not though so yeah go check it out
here I will be linking it up on my links list
.:Fireport blogged on 10:29 PM:.
To "your mother" in my tag box.
I do not condone acts of vandalism on my blog, neither do I condone slander which is uncalled for or stupidity of dogs in my blog.
You can keep trying to post your tags on my tag board or "taggy" as I have said it. Cause most likely by the time you read this I probably already banned you from tagging in my blog. Oh yeah and even if you do use other peoples internet and tag it and say "You think like that will stop me ah" Don't worry I'll just keep blocking and if you're so stupid to use a public IP (I know the difference) I'll just delete the tags and be done with it.
I don't even know why I wasted time with a scumbag of society like you but yeah as a warning to others I DO NOT CONDONE NOR PROMOTE VANDALISM ON ANY BLOG. and yeah if you wanna challange or insult or something please leave your name so at least I know you have balls to say who you are otherwise don't even bother.
The next idiot who post something like that will just have his tag removed the moment I see it without anybody even noticing its there. There you have it you have been warned.
I'm leaving the tags there as a reminder to others for the time being. Oh and "your mother" have a nice time reading my blog I hope you enjoyed it. and you can actually press pause if your insignificant little brain couldn't process the fact that listening to music is actually a choice of those who have ears and brains. Sad to say fungus like you most likely can't even appreciate the sound of the birds in the morning or the symphoney of crickets by night.
To all a good night
.:Fireport blogged on 8:17 PM:.
I'm feeling listless and bored now that I have no more important exams after today. In exactly 1 hour and 27 minutes I'll be having my Social Studies paper.
Yeah so what if I fucking emo from time to time? Doesn't everybody have a bad day from time to time?
Guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
.:Fireport blogged on 12:24 PM:.